Nov 25, 2009

Woman in front of me at Starbucks

Dear Maam,

could you please show a little courtesy and refrain from doing your taxes with the Starbucks employee. I know it's not peak hours, but when people are behind you waiting, sort it out and go. Unless you're buying a franchise (which you can't even do with starbucks) there is no conceivable reason for you to spend ten minutes at the counter.

Additionally-- Starbucks employees-- you are not blameless. For you to allow customers to stand in line for ten minutes while some old bat struggles to understand the concept of a starbucks card is completely unacceptable, particularly when there are several employees working. Employee at the counter-- see that people are attended to, or at least apologize for the wait. Employee #2-- people are waiting, and unlike them, cleaning the coffee pots CAN wait.

A little conscience, please.
